Sabtu, 28 November 2009

new moon

i have watched New Moon. the next film of Twilight Saga. i didn't feel boring to watch it even i have read the book for almost three times. yeah, i love the book truly damn. it's so romantic. made me could imagine everything that have been lost from my life.
my mood, my passion was not as same as the first time i watched Twilight. guess what? i could control my mood. i didin't cry even i had guess that i would cry in the middle of film.
i just stressed to Edward's face. oh how's damn charming he is.
than i just thought, if Bella is Edward's heroin, so who's my heroin?
i have the answer. stupid answer ahahah but it's really secret.
but i hope my secretly heroin can be mine someday hihi
if my secretly heroin can be mine, i think my life will be so complete.

oh yeah, it's about people's comment. they said that new moon is not as good as their imagine.
my comment? it's AWESOME.
in the beggining, i just considered that i would get boring with this kinda of vampire's film.
but it's wrong.
i love the film hahaha

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